Live YOUR life on your terms

Here to help you thrive

After years of living my life based on the limiting beliefs, underlying commitments, and social conditioning I was raised with, I finally discovered the freedom to live my life on my terms. As a certified life coach, writer, and yoga instructor, I now help others, like you, take a deep dive into their lives, discover the areas they’d like to change, and create the action steps to do it. Let me give you the confidence to step into your new life and embrace it with unlimited potential.

Coaching Programs for YOU


8 week program to help you get clear on vision, calibration, beliefs, self-worth, boundaries, choices, self-confidence, and visibility.


12 week program to help you uncover underlying commitments and beliefs that are impacting your self-worth and net worth.

New Relationship Blueprint

12 week program to help you identify your relationship beliefs, make peace with your past, redefine intimacy, and hone your relationship skills and the relationship you most desire.


12 week program to help you identify what’s most important to you, how to create boundaries that are healthy and meaningful, and teach you how to maintain boundaries for ultimate freedom and happiness.


12 week program to help you identify the changes you want to make in your life, and the inch by inch actions you can take to get there.


12 week program to help you understand your soul, why you're here, and your life's circumstances and how to stay opted-into it all or how to opt-out of any part of it that no longer feels aligned.

Barbara is the perfect combination of gentleness and directness. She is compassionate and wise. She is present and intuitive. She was able to get me unstuck and moving.
— Lori Parks